Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Twas a dark and stormy night...when I took these pictures that is, but a Lolita-inspired outfit calls for pictures (and perhaps some Lolita posing).

I'm a fan of many styles, but a lot of what I wear is very feminine or cutesy. I love bows, laces, floral, glitter, and while I also love leather and metallics, femininity usually prevails in my outfits. I'm also a reasonably petite girl with younger looking features, so my choice to embrace girliness with this outfit lead to a Lolita inspired look.

Of course a kitten was added to the equation. But hey, all's fair in fashion.

And for a touch of Japanese culture, add a pocky. Yum.

My mother claims I recieved some very interesting reactions, like an extremely snide look from a mother with her toddler, but for the life of me I can't understand why. Lolita is designed to be slightly suggestive, in that it's forbidden (as the wearer usually looks young) but I truly don't comprehend how this is worse than a crop top and Daisy Dukes. Let's be serious.

Seeing as I'm about to be a college girl on a very tight budget, I'm all for thrift store chic. Every piece in this outfit was under $20, I'm sure. Skirt and cami from Forever 21. Knee highs/thigh highs from Macy's. Blazer from Goodwill (I always find something insanely cute and cheap. I don't really give a damn about brands, usually.).

That's all from me today. I'm hoping to start posting outfits more in two to three weeks, once I get settled into university.

xoxo F


  1. I can't even explain how pretty you are! Also, I LOVE the Lolita look on you. Keep being amazing dearest <3

  2. Is it a crime that I don't know what Lolita is? *prepares for the barrage of insults*
    But you, my dear, are precious, and look stunning in these pictures. I should go thrifting more often...

  3. Shauna: Thank you my love <3

    Madeleine: No crime! I guess I kinda assumed everyone knew what it is! Lolita style is based on the book of the same name which essentially deals with an illicit relationship as the girl is young. So Lolita style is very innocent and precious with lots of feminine details. It's most prevalent in Japan and has a lot of sub-styles like Gothic Lolita and Victorian. It's rather over the top usually.
    And thank you! We should go thrifting together some time!!
