Saturday, October 8, 2011

A Rare Glimpse

Well these are from a few weeks ago as I've (sadly) not worn anything worth reporting on here since. My lack of especially intriguing outfits stems from the fact that I have either dance class or rehearsal (or both) every weekday, meaning my clothing options are basically limited to fitness clothing. And I don't find fitness wear particularly exciting. That and I'd like to save my better outfits for a better body. Of course I say that as I stuff myself full of cake, but for a number of reasons I have to lose between 10 and 20 pounds as soon as is possible, so come Monday it is back to full out healthy eating and daily gym attendance. Wish me luck!

As for this outfit, one lovely Saturday I had absolutely nothing to do and therefore fancied a trip to the music building to do a little singing. I dressed myself up, as one always sings better when they look their best, and made the trek uphill. Once there, I discovered that the practice rooms had white walls and lighting that was useful for picture-taking. Hence these photos.

I'm hoping to add a dash more of Lola (from Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins) or Charlotte (from that book this blog was named after haha) back into my wardrobe. And assuming I can find a location and the time, that'll mean more updates on ye olde blog.
Oh and Halloween is coming up! Not that I have any concrete ideas, but trust that I will be in costume.

xo F